Success &
Personal Growth Coaching

Available services:

Private 1-on-1 Coaching
Group Coaching Programs
Public Lectures

Return to Center
with  Irene Bojczuk

Helping holistically-oriented individuals & businesses achieve their goals.
Transforming inner obstacles into inspiration, creativity & action.





Transformational Tools:


Rebirthing Breathwork

The Work of Byron Katie

Creative Visualization


Class Descriptions

About Irene Bojczuk

Available Services


The following is a sampling of possible classes which may be presented in short or longer time frames, in experiential or lecture formats.

Please contact Irene to inquire about scheduling an event for your group or location.

Each of the topics draws from one or more of the transformational modalities listed in this site. The classes combine lecture, discussion and experiential exercises to provide measurable results. Expect personal insights, integration of life-changing skills and a greater sense of ease and well-being.

These classes are always results oriented to:

· Remove undermining beliefs and life patterns
· Release anxiety, anger, depression, overwhelm
· Increase prosperity and abundance
· Improve physical health
· Improve relationships
· Increase emotional well-being
· Generate inner peace


Group Rebirthing (learn more)

Introduction to Rebirthing Breathwork (learn more)

Feel Better Fast (learn more)

Undoing Core Negative Beliefs (learn more)

Changing Unconscious Life Patterns (learn more)

The Game of Attraction and Manifestation (learn more)

The Work of Byron Katie (learn more)

Stress To Peace: Well-Being Reboot (learn more)

Release Into Peace & Well-Being (learn more)


Group Rebirthing

Note: Group Rebirthing is not appropriate for first-time Rebirthers who are 12 weeks or more pregnant.

People who attend the class can expect a supportive, environment in which they can share and connect with each other to whatever extent they feel comfortable.

There will be a brief lecture period elaborating on the nature of mental and emotional stress, and some instructions on how to allow those energies to leave the body effortlessly. We will go over the method of breathwork in detail.

Each person will have the opportunity to share their intentions for the evening or ask any questions. Then everyone will lie down and experience the breathwork for about an hour. Please bring a yoga mat and a couple blankets to ensure you are comfortable and warm during the breathwork. After the session there will be an opportunity to share experiences and ask further questions.

Participants can expect to leave the class feeling internally cleansed, with a mental and emotional shift.


Introduction to Rebirthing Breathwork

The format of the class is designed to create a safe space for people who are brand new to Rebirthing Breathwork to feel supported with information and guidance going into the session, and a venue for more seasoned people who want to take advantage of the wonderful experience that breathing in a group environment can bring. 

Bypass your mind, clean your energy, do some emotional healing and connect with your Inner Source. It's like a breath of fresh air—only better!

Please feel free to invite anyone to the class—no experience is necessary and all are welcome. 

Space is limited however, so please RSVP to reserve a spot.


Feel Better Fast

Learn the secrets to letting it go... Manage Your Mind & Emotions So they Don’t manage YOU

Release it! 


· Negativity
· Overwhelm
· Resistance
· Anxiety
· Frustration
· Struggle

 Allow it! 


· Clarity
· Confidence
· Creativity
· Easy flow
· Action & Results
· Peace

And Feel Better Fast!

This simple technique is FUN to learn & EASY to practice

Use this underlying principle behind all healing and success to effortlessly release stress, suffering & negativity. Then, naturally connect with Source energy and your infinite resources!


Undoing Core Negative Beliefs

Replace the voice of your inner saboteur with one that reflects your true nature and power.

This class will be mixing lecture with fun experiential exercises, imagery and partner processes to support each person to identify the core belief that has been operating in their life and holding them back.

Core Negative Belief Definition: A belief you have that obscures your true nature and convinces you that you are separate and not perfect in some way. It defines you and life, and you use it everywhere from birth onward, to make sense of the world. It gives the ego it’s power.

People are usually not even aware that this belief is operating. When you are not conscious of this thought you don’t realize you are giving the universe a command to treat you as if it were true. You won’t realize that it is a thought you are projecting which is causing the way situations play out, which is causing you to repeat sabotaging patterns, to act out failures and disappointments, to project interpretations onto people, and to overcompensate with struggle.

We will explore the powerful origins of this belief and how it is tied in to your very survival.

You will uncover the real truth beyond this belief in every area of your life. And then, with various class exercises and homework, you will go beyond just understanding to be able to really dissolve this lie and remember the truth of who you are.

When you dismantle the power this belief has, you are free to live the adventure that your life really is.


Changing Unconscious Life Patterns


Understand how your birth story affects your life story, and access your unique blueprint for success.

Frederick Leboyer, M.D. was the first physician to challenge society's deeply held beliefs about awareness in the newborn. He believed that the harsh environment of the traditional delivery room caused psychological trauma to the infant. His pioneering works on birthing, including the book Birth Without Violence, have forever revolutionized the course of prenatal care and the way babies are introduced to the world.

Since then, there has been much study of the effects that specific kinds of births have on people as they live their lives. Circumstances of birth such as inducement, cesarean section and premature birth as well as being born as a twin or being adopted have been found to show life patterns and general tendencies that people play out throughout their lives.

Our first perceptions about ourselves, others and the world around us serve as a context for all our future choices. The conclusions we draw from birth come in many forms and they become the legacy of our lives.

Let’s take the general experience of change as an example. If the first change of life for the newborn is accompanied with fear and pain and a sense of separation, the baby can start life with the unconscious conclusion that change hurts or change is painful or change is scary.

As these babies grow up, they/we can retain this feeling as a belief about life in general—this first life event can instill in us a fear of change. The experience of change from the womb can program us into dealing with the present as if the same thing could happen again.

We can consciously update our relationship to change when we examine the experiences of our own birth. Gaining understanding and insight releases us from those early decisions and we can improve our relationship to the world and people around us. Our attitude about change and therefore our experience of life becomes more of a pleasure.

When you become aware of the context in which you live your life and you see the origins, it can become less fixed. Then you can see the facts of your birth as events that also contain hidden gifts, talents and abilities that being born your way has given you.

Now you can embrace the other side of the coin—life’s most wonderful surprises occur as new beginnings. This is where healing it becomes worthwhile. You become open to new friends, new love, new opportunities when you upgrade your fearful ideas about something new—about change.

Exploring the story of your particular birth goes beyond healing birth trauma to actually gaining insights into the most fulfilling and successful paths you can take to really become who you are capable of being. Once you can uncover and come to terms with and forgive the experiences that were so painful for the newborn, you are able to reveal the hidden support, guidance and natural gifts that are your birthright.

In this class you will hear birth stories that led to amazing life stories. Together we will explore the stories of our own births and see the ways that we have been playing out unconscious patterns. We will also look for the hidden gifts imbedded in each person’s birth story and practice various exercises to heal and open to your individual blueprint for success.

This class will feature Rebirthing Breathwork as a way to use your breath for uncovering and healing those unconscious patterns and claiming the embedded gifts.

Participants are asked to gather the information available about the story of their birth from what relatives and witnesses remember.

I am deeply grateful to the many teachers who showed me the deep effects that our births have on our lives, who provided the insight, techniques and environment for the healing of those wounds and who helped in the discovery and claiming of the inherent gifts that accompanied those first moments of life. To Leonard Orr, Sondra Ray, Bob Mandel and especially Patrick Collard, thank you for what your teachings and support have done to free up my own life and for what I’ve been able to pass on to my clients and students. This healing process is a life process, and it’s well worth the trip.


The Game of Attraction and Manifestation

Apply your mind creatively to turn dreams into reality.
Use this key to understand the meaning of events in your life.

There is a natural order to how things come into being--how people, events and circumstances come into our lives. It's up to us to align ourselves with these natural laws of attraction and manifestation if we want to live fulfilling lives.

Every one of us already uses these simple laws to some degree, but for most of us there are also areas of our life where we just don't know how to translate our vision, dream or desire into reality.

As you live your life every day …

Do you have dreams and desires that are waiting to be lived?

Are you frustrated because you seem to be getting what you are NOT wanting?

Are you striving and struggling against circumstances and making slow progress?

Are there big projects you are currently working on like purchasing a home; making a career change; starting a new business; redecorating; planning a trip?

Are there ongoing agendas like improving your health; your communication; your grades; your profits?

Are you mastering a skill like learning to dance; to speak a new language; to use a computer; to be a public speaker?

I imagine that as you read this, your own personal goals, projects and ongoing intentions are easily coming to mind. I invite you to bring them with you to this class.

You will discover the ways you have already been using the Laws of Attraction and Manifestation and learn about how these laws work.

What you find out about yourself may surprise you!

This class is designed to help people change the way they are thinking, feeling & living so they can bring their dreams to life and open up the doors of abundance to any area of their life.

Participants will practice a variety of techniques they can replicate again and again to bring their dreams to life, and in the process they will learn how to live from the source of those inner resources to guide their lives.

After this class you will know that the power lies within you to manifest your beautiful life and you will know how to go about claiming the abundance that is your birthright.

This class is hands on, goal specific, and loads of fun!


The Work of Byron Katie

Understand and transform any painful experience—from everyday conflicts to lifelong traumas. Turn stressful situations around while making profound self-discoveries.

The Work has spread to hundreds of thousands of people in over thirty countries around the world. People are discovering the elegant simplicity of asking four simple questions and applying what’s known as “the turnaround” to allow stressful, painful, difficult situations to dissolve in the presence of honest inquiry. People are releasing deeply held core beliefs, judgments, assumptions and expectations that have been causing stress and chronic suffering on the mental, emotional and physical levels.

The idea behind this work is that all suffering is caused by a reaction to a situation, not the situation itself. Using a tool known as The Work, we will inquire into the internal perceptions that are causing our stress. The purpose is self-discovery and freedom.

“I have never experienced a stressful feeling that wasn’t caused by attachment to an untrue thought. Behind every uncomfortable feeling, there’s a thought that isn't true for us.”

-Byron Katie

In this class you will internalize a process that will teach you to dissolve problems for the rest of your life, as they arise. Practicing this Work has an impact on the way you think and see the world. Imagine ...

· Responding rather than reacting to people and events
· Stepping out of assumptions and attending to the facts
· Focusing on what you can do, letting go of what you can’t
· Living in the present, not the past, the future, or in other people’s business
· Using every situation as a gift for Self-discovery

This class is interactive and experiential and is suitable for beginners and those familiar with The Work. There will be a discussion of the underlying philosophy, demonstration of the process, guided group exercises and handouts for home practice.

Doing The Work is a transforming experience, full of surprises every time.

Read more about The Work.


STRESS TO PEACE: A Well-Being Reboot

What will WE do together?

· Lecture with reference handouts for practice
· Sharing, discussion and guided processes to integrate the information
· Rebirthing sessions; Releasing sessions; Homework exercises
· Comfort breaks and lunchtime to eat in or go out

We will be drawing on the methods of Releasing, Rebirthing Breathwork, and Creative Visualization

RELEASING is a welcoming up and letting go of stored subconscious thoughts and feelings so a person can surrender to and harness their most powerful inner resources.

CREATIVE VISUALIZATION is holding in mind the ideal outcome, and then capturing and dissolving the unconscious limitations which inadvertently hold back the fulfillment of dreams.

REBIRTHING BREATHWORK is conscious breathing in a circular pattern, allowing one to access the Inspired Self and dissolve deeply held blocks that lie beyond where the mind can reach.

How is this class different?

This Well-Being Reboot Experience will be tailored to be relevant to each individual’s concerns so that learning happens through personal insights and shifts.

Are you ready?

Are you willing?

When will you decide?

Pre-Register now: call Linda 585-730-9873


**NOTE: No previous experience in any of these methods is needed to participate, and people with previous experience will be able to go further than they have gone before.


Release Into Peace & Well-Being

Please join us for an experiential afternoon workshop on How to Release Into Peace & Well-Being.

 This method is undeniably effective and remarkably simple … It is LIFE-CHANGING and can only be learned through EXPERIENCE.

What will you experience at this event?

· You’ll easily let go of feelings, and learn to get into peace anywhere, anytime
· You’ll go from inner noise into a DEEPLY QUIET MIND, STILLNESS & PEACE
· You’ll release about a stressful situation in your life to help it come into harmony
· You’ll contact your Underlying Self directly, beyond thoughts, feelings or experiences

What to Expect:

This class introduces the method and provides a powerful start. Deeper practice transforms lives and produces major inner and outer results beyond what might seem possible.

An invitation to pursue deeper study will be made available.

It will be a light, informal and non-confrontational afternoon, with guided seated eyes-closed/eyes-open silent mental exercises. There will be no need to share or disclose in order to participate & benefit.

Here's what one participant reported after her introductory experience:

“I’ve had a recurring tension-related pain in my gut for as long as I can remember which I could  never resolve. It completely disappeared during Irene’s Releasing Intro class and I’ve been able to keep it away by continuing the practice of releasing ever since. Studying this method in-depth and using it has transformed my life.”  

                                  Kim Caulfield
Director of Communications, Hospital Fundraising


Home | Releasing | Rebirthing Breathwork

The Work of Byron Katie | Creative Visualization

Shiatsu | Class Descriptions | About Irene Bojczuk

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 The material on this web site is copyright ©2017 by Irene Bojczuk.
All rights reserved. If you wish to copy material from this web site for use in any printed or electronic media, please ask permission first:


“I'm happy to tell you that I think it was a FANTASTIC workshop, and that Irene is an outstanding leader. The clarity and ease with which she is able to respond to questions from participants, and the integrity she radiates were a pleasure to be around, and I trusted her work completely. I liked the ... entire format of the day. … The insights I gained through that exercise... were profound, and I am so glad I came to the workshop!”
Liza Carroll
Project Coordinator
for non-profit org.

“Since I began Irene's program, my belief system and perspective of my world, and with my loved ones has shifted dramatically. I've become lighter and more calm. The group process has magically transformed my beliefs about myself. I've enjoyed the companionship, camaraderie, and honesty of the group. It's been an astounding metamorphosis and I continue to enjoy the journey.”
Sara Erlbaum
Whitemarsh Township Supervisor elect

“I am so impressed with your ability to suss out what is going on with someone that I want to be part of the study group.”

“I thorougly enjoyed the class”

“... this workshop with Irene has, and is, helping me to refine my skills. It's nice to be able to meet with people and find out that I'm not alone in my struggles with the mind-spirit-emotions. I can come to a group, discuss and share about the process; while also having guidance from an experienced group leader who is very skilled and  experienced ... I value it so much that I am going to take it again, as I feel I still have more learning to do. To me, taking this workshop with Irene is one of the most important things in my life that I can do for myself right now. Also, I have a feeling this investment will be benefiting me for the rest of my life in ways I haven't yet imagined. Thank you Irene!”

“My participation in the course “Going Within” using the Work has allowed me to become aware of misperceptions in relationships that have clouded my life for more than 30 years and to change my thinking about those relationships and open my heart.”
Alan Fitts
retired financial planner

“I find the work awe inspiring. I got what I came here for. The Work has become an automatic process—as soon as I catch a negative thought I am able to let go of the negativity coming from the thought. Irene is a master at the Work and providing guidance to going to the place we all need to be.”
Anita Zippert
Financial Planner

"The Group Rebirthing with Irene Bojczuk was an amazing experience. It definitely exceeded my expectations. Extremely worthwhile, I had emotional and mental shifts which I hope and pray are permanent transformations. I also experienced a feeling of oneness with God and overall peace."